• How to start playing Hearthstone

    Blizzard’s online tactical card game Hearthstone is currently undergoing a dramatic and exciting change that will make the game more approachable for newcomers. Firstly, the soon to be introduced ‘standard’ mode will rotate out a large pool of older powerful cards, decreasing the power gap between a new collection...
  • Three game console gimmicks that just didn’t work

    Gimmicks. Originally meaning an attractive and clever idea, this word has been used of late in the gaming sphere in a negative fashion in order to construe features that are either overplayed or underutilized. Today I will be using the word in both fashions, to describe my personal three...
  • IMPACT Gaming’s favourite characters: Brucie Kibbutz

    Brucie Kibbutz is a supporting character first introduced in Grand Theft Auto IV. In keeping with the game’s delicious satirical take on the American Dream, Brucie is an insecure individual who hides behind a ridiculous overly-masculine façade. The player will encounter him several times in GTA IV in main...
  • Five Games I Played When I Should Have Been Playing The Witcher 3

    I got The Witcher 3 back in August after a Summer-long love affair with the first two games. It is incredible, wonderfully made, full of things to do and full of beautifully told stories. It is also monstrously large. Intimidatingly so. And when something is that big, and tells...
  • Romance in videogames

    As we come up to Valentines Day, we need to discuss why videogames have such as bad rap for the portrayal of relationships. With some notable exceptions such as the Witcher 3, relationships in games have either come across as token, awkward or completely sexist. This even goes as...
  • Best of 2015 – Metal Gear Solid 5

    Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain of the Metal Gear chronology, is set in the mid-eighties just before the time frame of the first ever game in the series. Put simply, it is one of the best games to be released on the newest generation of consoles and potentially...
  • League of Legends World Championships 2015

    League of Legends has become, in recent years, one of the most recognised e-sports of all time: with 11.5 million players actively playing each month, beating its common rival DOTA 2 (which has a measly 500,000). It comes as no surprise therefore that the World Championship 2015, or ‘Worlds’...