• Deals on Meals: Study Break Special

    If you’ve decided to stay in Nottingham and bury yourself in books over the Easter holidays, we applaud you. Why not treat yourself to an extra special study break? A meal out, perhaps?  Whilst your loan/ overdraft may be nearing its limit, you still deserve something other than a Maccy D’s or a chicken bucket, this is...
  • Around the World in a Lunchbox

    The student packed lunch. Those words immediately conjure up an image of a limp, cling-wrapped ham sandwich that was made in a hurry before leaving the house – maybe with an apple that’s going soft for afters. Doesn’t sound too appealing, right? But this stigma towards packed lunches is...

    Oh so simple, but oh so effective – this gloopy, rich chocolate cake is the perfect remedy for long days in front of the books. INGREDIENTS 1 cup buttermilk   (or add 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice to milk ) 1 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 2 cups flour 2 cups granulated...

    Deep beneath the Lace Market, or Stoney Street to be precise, BUNK is serving up chicken ‘n’ chips with bells on and all sorts of cocktails. Stripped back and laid back, this unpretentious hidden cave with quirky design features and a non-conversation preventing playlist would be the ideal address...
  • Mother’s Day Cheat Sheet

    It’s the date that’s been set in your diary for weeks, confirmed by many a phone call and the flowery reminders  in every supermarket and TV advert…However, despite all that, you’ve just remembered that its Mother’s Day next week and you haven’t booked anything.. DON’T PANIC! Where could you...
  • British Pie Week Pick: Chicken Pie Infused with Indian Spices

    This pie is a subtle twist on the traditional English classic. Tender chicken breast and butternut squash are infused with a hint of warm Indian spices: turmeric, coriander, cumin and garam masala. The result is a super dish that will excite your taste buds while still giving you that...
  • A Little History of the Humble English Pie

    The humble pie, it’s touching, quaint and has an important place in the heart for every Englishman, but where did the concept originate from? And how did it become such a central icon within British cuisine? The Oxford English Dictionary traces the first use of the word “pie” all...