• Myth vs Fact – Does Chocolate Really Give You Spots?

    I was just a kid enjoying a chocolate spread and scrambled egg sandwich when my cousins told me that they had given up chocolate. As an eleven year old, the idea of attempting to cancel chocolate out of life was the most preposterous and horrifying thing that anyone could ever...
  • Rate Your Plate @ The Pudding Pantry

    The Pudding Pantry, located in Nottingham’s Trinity Square, prides itself, among other things, on its delicious homemade desserts available throughout the day; perfect, in theory, for all those sweet- toothed pudding fanatics. But close-up, the name doesn’t seem so appropriate. Excluding their selection of homemade cakes, there are only...
  • Yes, vegans can still eat pizza…

    I already know what you’re thinking. Vegan? What do you eat, salad? Well… yes. Along with every other fruit, grain and vegetable there is in the world, and trust me when I say, “there are plenty.” I actually love when people assume I live on carrots, (which on some super...
  • Acher Shaker – Crisis Cure

    Calling out to all Crisis Party-goers! We have all been there… you are feeling fragile, bed-bound, and somewhat sorry for your poor, post-Rock City selves. If YOU need help to shake that ache to make that 9am lecture, whether its cause is a self-inflicted hangover or the strain of Portland Hill, then our ‘Crisis Cure’ is...
  • My Florentine Foodie Experience

    This summer I travelled to Tuscany’s capital, Florence. During my stay I gorged an obscene amount of pizza, ice cream and some amazing traditional local dishes. However, the food outlets fell into one of two categories: a waste of money, or an experience that you don’t want to end. Wherever the tourists...
  • Acher Shaker- Refresher

    Calling out to all freshers! Your freshers week is coming to an end, and you are more than likely beginning to feel the (not so great) effects of student life. If you need help to shake that ache, whether its cause is a self-inflicted hangover or the strain of Portland Hill, then...
  • CANNY IDEAS: Chickpeas

    A well-stocked store cupboard can often be a lifesaver. It’s in those moments when you’re lacking in time, money or energy that those tins, the ones hiding behind the coco-pops, hobnobs and Nutella, can step up and become superstars. A life expectancy of years and being great value for...