• The Different Approaches to a Remake – Part 1

    2017 has been quite the bumper year for gaming. All new systems and flashy games available to play, even throughout the seasonal lacklustre summer drought. However, amidst all this hustle-and-bustle belies the fact that 2017 is also quite a good year for those who are fans of old IP....
  • Trailer Watch – Star Wars Battlefront 2

    In 2013, the night before my Business Studies GCSE morning exam, I was up at 3am watching E3, where a surprise teaser for an unannounced Star Wars: Battlefront was played. Little was shown: just snow, a couple of faint blaster shots that sparked some excited murmuring and then one...
  • Nintendo Switch: Yay or Nay?

    The first gaming console I ever owned was the PlayStation 1, which I got for Christmas back in the ‘90s, and along with it, was Spyro the Dragon (an absolute favourite of mine). In the last couple of decades, the gaming world has developed some of the most advanced...
  • PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio: Console ‘Neo’-revolution?

    Since the unveiling of the Xbox Scorpio and the PS4 Pro, a big deal of fuss has been made over what seems to be the herald of the end of ‘true’ console generations. The main argument being made is that this signals a move from the generational console platform...
  • E3 2016 Roundup: EA

    *EA conference was technically a separate event in London titled EA Play. EA started off E3 season in 2016 with a (flash)bang, showing off the debut trailer to the sequel to the popular mecha-FPS game Titanfall. Titanfall 2 adds 6 new Titan variations to the gameplay and a single player campaign...
  • Sea Hero Quest and Dementia Research

    Sea Hero Quest is currently #14 on the App Store free apps list and for good reason. Whilst not only being an enjoyable time passer of a mobile game, it also helps researchers learn about how the brain works which will be used to help dementia research and future...
  • In Defence of the Mass Effect 3 Ending

    As the four-year anniversary of Mass Effect 3’s release fades from view it’s time to discuss something important: the ending. It is no secret that people disliked the ending of Mass Effect 3. The conclusion to Bioware’s epic space opera is widely accepted to be nothing more than a...