• Spotlight On: Cairo

    Cairo, and Egypt as a whole, is renowned for its rich civilisation and history. It is also somewhere I was fortunate enough to spend five years, exploring its many charming wonders and attractions....
  • The Seven Turtle Doves: Ep. 1 Let Us Introduce Ourselves

    Hello and welcome to a brand new segment! Brought to you in collaboration with the University of Nottingham's Fashion Society. The girls discuss their wardrobe staples, fast fashion, and the importance of clothes for culture. Listen along to get to know the committee....
  • Logo for 'The Curtain Call'

    The Curtain Call – Punk Rock

    Welcome back to another fresh batch of The Curtain Call. The Nottingham New Theatre has been keeping busy creating another season of incredible In-House shows. Tune in to hear all the behind the scenes of the only entirely student-run theatre in England!...
  • Girl Talk: Ep. 3 Controversial Female Figures

    Welcome to Girl Talk, a safe space for female and non-binary students at the University of Nottingham to come together and share experiences. This is a place for the light-hearted to the heavy, from music to politics and business to film....
  • Girl Talk: Ep. 2 Marriage

    Welcome to Girl Talk, a safe space for female and non-binary students at the University of Nottingham to come together and share experiences. This is a place for the light-hearted to the heavy, from music to politics and business to film....
  • Logo for 'The Curtain Call'

    The Curtain Call – Mojo

    Welcome back to another fresh batch of The Curtain Call. The Nottingham New Theatre has been keeping busy creating another season of incredible In-House shows. Tune in to hear all the behind the scenes of the only entirely student-run theatre in England!...
  • Logo for Off the Page, featuring two people sitting back to back and reading a book

    Off the Page: Body Horror and Foggy Kingdoms

    Welcome back to Off the Page, our collaboration with the University of Nottingham's creative writing society! For this episode we are delving into all things sci-fi, horror, fantasy, curry and fog. Listen along to some incredible original pieces written by Alex, Ella, Tom, Alex T. and Sarah....