In Freshers week it is highly likely you will be swamped. This is a result of an inevitable colliding of moving away from home, every night on the town, making life friends and beginning a course which will determine your academic career. No pressure then. But with all this...
Whether you’re a fresher arriving in Nottingham for the first time or a returning student on the last year of your degree, there are always new arty things to discover in Notts. Nottingham is home to six incredibly varied and exciting arts theatres, and Impact Arts is here to...
Over the summer you may have heard the phrase ‘I’m just nipping up to Edinburgh,’ broadcast over social media or even from the mouth of a real life person. I was one of these people who smugly played down the never-ending journey to the Scottish capital which ultimately can...
Let’s be honest, musical theatre is not everyone’s cup of tea. Many will despair at the thought of having to sit through 2 hours of spontaneous singing and dancing, which let’s face it is usually pretty tenuous to the plot. . . if there even is a plot. But...
I love books, all different types of books. From epic adventures to out-there sci-fi, to historical dramas and even the occasional trashy romance. The world of books and the stories they tell is a magical place. But there are those who threaten to destroy the magic and mystery of...
As the dawn of a new university year looms you only need to glance in the direction of your bookshelf to note the pile of books and workload behind the summer photos. From Freshers to final years, every degree is going to need to catch up on that must...
We’ve still got a month left of Summer to go and in this time we’ve been doing an assortment of things to pass the time; catching up with friends, travel, work, lazing around all day or just doing absolutely nothing. But occasionally your eyes wander and linger over the...