Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anthony Mackie team-up with director Jonathan Levine to bring us The Night Before, a raunchy, blatantly offensive yet at the same time downright hilarious comedy, sprinkled with a little holiday spirit. The movie follows friends Ethan Miller (Gordon-Levitt), Isaac Greenberg (Rogen) and Chris Roberts...
“You know how it begins…” – Yes, we do, so please show us something new Victor Frankenstein. By the look of the title, any expectations you had for a vivid reimagining have just been shattered. Mary Shelley’s enlightening creation seems to have been reused in a way that reaffirms...
‘Twas two nights before Christmas, when Max in despair, Tore his letter to Santa Claus into the air; His anger at family, little did he know, Would release an ancient force from out of the snow. At each other’s throats, as only fam’ly are, Max finally breaks, as they...
In a world oversaturated by CGI fests disguising themselves as “epics”, the Broadway theatre in Nottingham attempts to bring us a classic epic from another time in honor of its 50th anniversary: Doctor Zhivago. David Lean, renowned for his visually striking directing, continues to deliver as he delves into...
A large wave of award season contenders are finally starting to head over to UK cinemas and, although Black Mass may not be in contention for best picture, expect some nominations in the acting department as Johnny Depp puts himself back on the map as a serious actor. Black...
Steven Spielberg offers a solid but safe spy thriller concerning the true story of James B. Donovan (Tom Hanks), an American insurance lawyer commissioned to defend suspected Russian spy Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance) in court. Donovan takes to this thankless task with vigour and is soon criticised for doing...
Todd Haynes’ Carol, a stunning adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s 1952 novel, broaches forbidden love in fifties New York, and brings to our screens a truly beautiful film that bridges arthouse and Hollywood. We meet Carol (Cate Blanchett) and Therese (Rooney Mara) by chance in a high-society 1950’s establishment, as...