• Film Review – Tale of Tales

    Matteo Garrone’s Tale of Tales is unlike any fairytale movie you’d have ever seen. A mishmash of the fantasy, horror and supernatural genres, it is considerably dark, sinister and a far cry from the Disney classics we’re perhaps more used to. Not darker like many Disney live action productions...
  • Film Review – The Secret Life of Pets

    From Illumination Entertainment (or eeyluminayshuunn as the Minions call it) comes The Secret Life of Pets. Starring Louis C.K. as Max, the main dog protagonist, and Kevin Hart as a small, fluffy white rabbit (stay with me), Pets is Illumination’s answer to “what can the studio do next that...
  • Film Review – Me Before You

    Romance + disability + convention = cloyingly saccharine + Emilia Clarke = heart-warmingly sweet.  That’s the formula upon which Me Before You is built. Mawkishly and expectedly drowning out its audience with old-fashioned sentimentality, but doing it with Emilia Clarke at your service, is the best way of reversing that...
  • Film Review – Heart of a Dog

    Last night she dreamed she was pregnant. She dreamed she was giving birth. The doctors handed her the new-born in a blanket. It was her dog. A Rat Terrier, specifically. But of course for the dog to come out, the doctors had needed to get the dog in first....
  • Film Review – X-Men: Apocalypse

    In a year where the superhero genre has arguably hit the heights of greatness (Captain America: Civil War) and the depths of the cesspit (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), X-Men: Apocalypse provides a safe middling entry to the list. The weakest of Bryan Singer’s four contributions to the...
  • Film Review – Green Room

    Jeremy Saulnier is one more step towards mastering the grim and deadly. This is a director who pulls no punches and tells his stories with the intention to dishearten. We saw it with Blue Ruin, and we’re seeing it again with Green Room. It is the story of a...
  • Film Review – Captain America: Civil War

    When a studio spends years building up a release that is set to feature an ensemble cast, based off a hugely successful comic book, bring in crucial new characters, and gives away details in marketing material, it is quite easy for the final product to end up being completely...