There are some things you can never un-see. Brian Yuzna’s 1980s ‘body-horror’ is one of them. First released in 1989, almost 30 years ago, it is no less disconcerting for having aged. So, if you’re a horror fans rejoice who couldn’t care less about sleep, this is definitely the...
‘A fucked up fairy tale’ is how Nina Forever’s trailer describes Ben and Chris Blaine’s dark horror-comedy and it’s not joking. Taking a rom-com and adding a sarcastic, undead ex is an unusual concept to say the least, but the Blaine brothers and their fantastic lead trio somehow make...
British fantasy horror film Howl was shown in Nottingham as part of the Mayhem Film Festival. Director Paul Hyett also came along to answer some questions about the making of the film in a ‘Making Monsters Masterclass’. Werewolves on a train. It sounds like a supernatural Snakes on a...
The name of this film hints at two things: it’s not for the faint-hearted and is most likely going to be absolutely insane. I can confirm Deathgasm certainly lives up to its title. This indie horror-comedy, from New Zealand, is about young metalhead Brody and his friends as they...
The concluding film at Mayhem Film Festival definitely put meaning to the word ‘mayhem’. Directed by Karyn Kusama (Jennifer’s Body), this story steers away from conventional horror, and seems to lie more in the psychological thriller genre. The story tells us of a man named Will (Logan Marshall-Green) and...
Every year the hosts of Mayhem put together an eclectic mix of international short films, usually with one or two local films thrown in. This year was no different. First up was one of the local films, Lab Rats, a film about a group of animal rights activists attempting...
German Angst is a privately funded trilogy of middling length movies all centred in Berlin. It opens with Final Girl, by Jörg Buttgereit of Nekromantik infamy (the most romantically shot film about a threesome with a corpse you are likely to see). His film is a slightly claustrophobic torture...