• The News You’ve Been Itching to Know…Why Do We Itch?

    What is itching? The first definition of itching was proposed in 1660 by someone called Samuel Haffenreffer as an unpleasant desire to itch. Approximately 280 million people globally have problems with itching. But why do we itch? Strangely enough itching and pain both share the same common pathways, although you...
  • A Shout-out to the x

    Us Brits have our oddities. We irrationally enjoy queuing, apologising and discussing the weather. We have mastered sarcasm, the deadpan, passive aggression, acceptance at fear of offence, the stiff upper lip, smutty humour and commenting “not bad” when in the affirmative. You can count on us for the perfect...
  • Feasting Without Meat-in: How To Have A Meat-Less BBQ

    The BBQ is certainly not allergic to vegetables. Chicken, beef, ribs, pork, and all the fleshy bits in-between may dominate the barbeque menu traditionally, but even my carnivore father has preyed upon meat free options every now and then, so read on to learn about some of my favourite...
  • A Dummies Guide To… How Too Much Sun Can Lead to Skin Cancer, and How to Prevent It.

    When summer comes around many cannot wait to bask in the sun and get a tan, yet few know why their skin tans and the dangers that accompany doing so. When your skin tans, it is the body’s natural defence mechanism’s way to attempt to protect your body from...
  • What Makes a Mugger?

    Following the slew of recent mugging related incidences on campus, including one involving himself, Joe tackles the tough topic of muggings, using science to explain why someone would commit such a crime....
  • The Struggles of Making a Music Career

    In March 2019, I self-released my second E.P. Bones. I’d been working on it for over a year in the background, playing songs at open-mic nights and the occasional paid gig. Despite that, I don’t consider myself a professional musician at all. It often looks that way on my...
  • It All Began 14 Years Ago…

    My time at the University of Nottingham begins with me as a part-time student in the School of History. Part-time meaning that I was a first-year student for two years.This later extended itself to a third year as I changed my degree to Social Science because I was required...