Emotionally charged and curiously optimistic, The Pride by Alexi Kaye Campbell explores the dynamics of relationships fraught with repressed emotions and unspoken words. The play constantly switches between two storylines – one set in 1958, where homosexuality is still very much criminalized, and the other in 2008, where progress...
‘I ate the end of my piece of cheese and took a swallow of wine. Through the other noise I heard a cough, then came the chuh-chuh-chuh-chuh – then there was a flash, as when a blast-furnace door is swung open, and a roar that started white and went...
Closer is a play about four individuals who form different sets of couples. Set in 1990s London, it is a tale of lust, love, deception and betrayal that at times is disturbing in its portrayal of what people can do to each other but is also simultaneously a reminder...
To celebrate their new UK tour, and the world premiere of David Rudkin’s adaptation of a classic M. R. James ghost story, Impact Arts interviews the Creative Team behind Oh Whistle, And I’ll Come to You. Can you tell us a little about your upcoming show, Oh Whistle, And I’ll Come...
Surely there cannot be a single one of us who hasn’t gotten up to have a sing and dance (motivated by drink or otherwise!) to one of these soul classics featured in this critically-acclaimed West End musical. Whether you’ve swayed to ‘Mustang Sally’ or jumped around to ‘Proud Mary’,...
To celebrate the Nottingham Comedy Festival, IMPACT Arts interviewed Carl Donnelly about his upcoming show Bad Man Tings, and finds out everything about the inspiration for his comedy. Can you tell us a little about your upcoming show, Bad Man Tings? “In 2015 I did a very personal show about my...
Although the promotional picture for The Revenger’s Tragedy gives the tedious initial impression of some try hard, ‘alternative’ interpretation of the 15th century piece, any negative preconception is quickly swept away in the first few minutes. Metal music creates a shocking opening scene that quickly seizes the audience’s attention; although...