• Meet Your 2019 SU Presidential Candidates

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your President for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. Claude Mahlich Claude Mahlich has been at the University for...
  • Meet Your 2019 Activities Officer Candidates

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your Activity Officer for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. Ava Meyer Ava is a third-year Politics and International...
  • Meet Your 2019 Mature Students’ Officer Candidate

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidate who is running to be elected as your Mature Students Officer for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what she had to say. Becca Craven Becca is a 2nd year Music...
  • SU Election polls open today

    This morning, Thursday 10th May, the voting for the Students’ Union Elections opens as students are given their say on who is going to represent them the next academic year. You can cast your vote on the Students’ Union’s website. Polls will close at 12pm on Thursday 17th May,...

    Zoe Mackenzie has been elected as your new Students’ Union Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer for 2018/19. Zoe was declared the Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer for the 2018/19 academic year after winning the 5th round of voting, with 1864 votes. The current Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer for...

    Malak Mayet has been elected as your new Students’ Union Black and Minority Ethnic Officer for 2018/19. Malak was declared the Black and Minority Ethnic Officer for the 2018/19 academic year after winning the 3rd round of voting, with 297 votes. Malak is currently on their year abroad and...

    On the last day of Impact on the campaign trail, we take one last look at what the candidates are up to, and talk to Kunj Sachdeva, running to be your next Postgraduate Officer. Kunj has been very actively campaigning on social media throughout the week. “The experience I...