• Behind the Scenes at NNT: Celebration by Harold Pinter

    Ahead of Nottingham New Theatre’s first spring in-house production, Daisy caught up with the cast and production team of Harold Pinter’s Celebration. Arriving early for our interview, I caught the last lines of a run through of NNT’s latest production, Harold Pinter’s ‘Celebration’. The auditorium buzzed with the excitement...
  • Behind the Scenes: Musicality’s Chicago production

    Daisy goes behind the scenes with the cast and crew of Musicality’s Chicago to find out about their upcoming show.
  • Is It Hard to Eat Plant-Based as a Student?

    Thinking about either cutting down on your meat consumption or switching to a plant-based diet? Daisy has some great tips to help you re-vamp your meals....
  • Still Alice @ NNT

    Best known for Julianne Moore’s Oscar winning performance as the eponymous, Christine Mary Dunford’s adaptation of Still Alice is playing at the Nottingham New Theatre until Saturday. Telling the story of a Harvard professor’s deterioration at the hand of early onset Alzheimer’s disease, Will Tillett’s direction had me absorbed...