The latest installment in the massive Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) introduces its smallest character yet, Ant-Man. But does it continue Marvel’s (mostly) successful track record or is their smallest hero their biggest mistake? Ant-Man’s development was far from easy. Having been juggled between various filmmakers including Edgar Wright and...
“Everyone creates the thing they dread”, claims Ultron as he corroborates his emergence as a formidable adversary to the Avengers. A by-product of the Iron Legion from Iron Man 3, Ultron is an unhinged opponent initially created by Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)to maintain peace on Earth. A physical...
The first of four collaborations between Marvel Studios and online streaming service Netflix, Marvel’s Daredevil is a fascinating depiction of good versus evil at its core. Marvel’s latest foray in television (or web television in this case) convinces beyond doubt; while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. largely recovered from a sluggish start,...
Marvel unleashed the epic final trailer for the eagerly awaited Avengers: Age of Ultron. Similar to the teaser, it begins with another menacing monologue from Ultron (James Spader), who threatens to rip the titular team asunder. The cinematography looks thoroughly impressive and several scenes look like a comic book...
Warning: Spoilers follow! Agent Simmons is back, and so is the fantastic plotline and pacing set in the first episode. With returning foes and friends, this episode is a lot of fun, whilst also heightening the threat of HYDRA. In “Making Friends and Influencing People”, my favourite scene of the entire...
Titled “Heavy Is the Head”, the second episode of season 2 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is sadly a definite step down from the epic season opener. Feeling very much like a filler episode, it continues the Crusher Creel storyline and brings it to a rather unsatisfactory end. Having said...
Finally, the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer has been released, and this time humanity is under threat from the titular supervillainous antagonist, Tony Stark’s invention gone horribly wrong, who dreams of seeing “everyone screaming for mercy”. Marvel fans have been waiting a long time for the Avengers: Age of...