• The Curtain Call (Season 1) – ‘Misorientation’

    Daisy Forster Daisy meets with Skylar Turnbull Hurd, Alice Walker and Tara Philips to discuss the penultimate production in the Nottingham New Theatre’s online season, ‘Misorientation’. ‘Misorientation’ will be broadcast on the Nottingham New Theatre’s YouTube channel on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 at 7pm. Daisy Forster  Featured image courtesy...
  • Behind the Scenes at NNT – ‘Stags and Hens’ by Willy Russell

    Liverpudlian accents, sparkly flares and a whole lot of energy. That’s what greeted me when I went to interview director Chloe Richardson, producer Tara Phillips, and cast members Sally Nesbitt, Kate O’Gorman, and Jake Ellis, of the NNT’s upcoming play Stags and Hens by Willy Russell. The enthusiastic and bubbly cast...