• The Price Of Patriarchy: Should Women And Non-Binary Students Get A Travel Bursary At University?

    Hannah Penny Starting university involves different sorts of worries for all students. However, for non-male students, the typical fears of finding your way around, making new friends and keeping up with all your lectures are usurped by a greater fear. The very real fear of men. Hannah Penny assesses...
  • Losing A Parent At A Young Age

    I was 13 when my mother died. She was diagnosed with a brain tumour just after I turned one, and then Multiple Sclerosis a few years after that. Consequently, I grew up as a young carer, and Mum being unwell or in and out of hospital for countless surgeries...
  • Girl’s Night In Boycott: “Nothing Has Changed”

    In light of the last few weeks, the lack of safety and security for young women has never been more apparent. As I am sure you’ve heard, there has been a concerning increase in the reports of spiking, both in drinks and by needle, in bars and clubs in...
  • Does Art Make Us Human?

    In the book I read for GCSE ‘Never Let Me Go’ by Kazou Ishiguro, the antagonists are clones who are strongly encouraged to do art as children in their dystopian school. As adults they go looking for answers as to why their art was so sacred and are met...
  • Are Nottingham Students Happy To Be Back In Person?

    Shivani Hindocha After a long awaited year and a half, the University of Nottingham returned to (mainly) in person teaching this September. But, since we all got so well adjusted to seminars in bed and socialising on Zoom, is this return to normalcy welcomed? Shivani Hindocha weighs up the...
  • Misogyny As A Hate Crime: Two Steps Forward And One Step Back?

    Poppy Read-Pitt Following a slew of violent crimes against wom*n this year, our government is now considering making misogyny something that the police would record as a hate crime. While this does point towards positive change, the pitfalls in our justice system mean it will almost certainly serve as...
  • A Whole Rotten Orchard: Sexism And Policing In Britain

    The issues our police have with sexism has been no more apparent than today, in light of the murder of Sarah Everard. But we have to shed the maxim that it’s just a few bad apples and start recognising that we’re faced with a whole rotten orchard....