• Weekly Wellbeing Write-up: Student Mental Health In The Second Lockdown

    We all expected a second lockdown, but that doesn’t mean that we were mentally prepared for it. The first lockdown was incredibly damaging to people’s mental health, but this second lockdown, as we go into winter, will be much harder. ...
  • The Diana Interview – 25 Years On

    Nearly 25 years ago to the day, HRH Princess Diana gave an interview for BBC journalist, Martin Bashir, for a Panorama special. The interview was revolutionary in more ways than one, but it’s widely acknowledged as a ground-breaking moment in the history of investigative journalism due to the successful...
  • New Day Narratives

    This month has been one of mixed emotions and colossal international change. It seems that America’s soul has finally been restored with the election of Biden as the next president of the United States....
  • The Free School Meals Debate- My Story

    Having watched the government for the second time this year make a U-turn on the free school meals debate, I am once again reminded of the many children that will rely on this and if it will go far enough. I relied on free school meals from the late...
  • Shell Blaming Consumers Is Not The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

    When is the last time Burger King accused you of ruining the NHS for risking obesity? Remember when Farm Foods told you to mind your methane footprint, or Primark blamed its customers for supporting inhumane working conditions in developing countries. Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, it never happened....
  • YMCA Be Real Campaign: Face Editing And The Alternative Reality Of Social Media

    When was the last time you checked Instagram and Snapchat? If you are anything like me in the past, your answer would be just a few minutes ago....
  • What Is Going On In The Labour Party?

    I would like to preface this piece by saying I am a Labour Party member, but I feel this puts me in a good position to look at what is actually going on in the Labour Party, the complaints of anti-Semitism that surrounded Corbyn’s time as Party leader and...