• SARS Must End: The Nigerian Youth Revolution

    Nearly a week into perhaps, one of the most unifying protests in Nigerian history, there does not seem to be any sign of the anti-SARS movement slowing down or the message being diminished. ...
  • Is There Such A Thing As A Political ‘Middle Ground’?

    It is safe to say that compromise and pragmatism are probably things that we all strive for in politics, but in recent years competing forces from the far-left and far-right have been tearing this country apart. It is becoming increasingly difficult, and unpopular, to be a centrist....
  • Should And Will We Have A Circuit-Breaker Lockdown?

    Northern Ireland have announced a 4-week circuit-breaker lockdown from Friday onwards, involving tough restrictions, including the closure of pubs and restaurants. This was in response to 6,286 new cases being reported this week....
  • 5 Simple-Self Care Tips For Student Stress Management

    This article is brought to you by Seeker Digital Even the most relaxed students can find themselves pushed to their limits by university. You’re away from home for the first time, forced to make an entirely new set of friends and trying to balance what’s supposed to be the...
  • Beyond Attenborough’s Universalism

    A few weeks ago, David Attenborough ‘broke the internet’ with the launch of his Instagram channel and a timely reminder that the world is in trouble. In his iconic, soul-soothing voice Attenborough talks about the heart-breaking, rapid loss of life-supporting biodiversity caused by humanity.  We live on a finite planet...
  • Johnson: A Prime Minister Of Broken Promises

    One of the hardest things for people to admit is when they have been conned. No one likes being made to look a fool and being the victim of a hoax or scam leaves people upset, especially if the conman has scammed them out of money and left them...
  • Undervaluing The Arts And Humanities: Where Did It Go Wrong?

    Arts and humanities degrees - the very group of subjects that usually leads on to the question of ‘What will you do with that degree?’ or ‘Are you going to teach?’, or the classic ‘That’s a useless degree; become an engineer or something’....