• Does NHS Privatisation Work?

    The words NHS and privatisation, coupled together, were hot press in 2019. However, the reality behind what privatisation really entails, and the differences it will make, were often forgotten. Talk of a future trade deal with America 'selling the NHS' was misleading and left much of the electorate in...
  • “I might rape you if you’re lucky” – How We Need to Highlight the Prominence of Sexual Assault in Popular Culture

    Trigger Warnings- sexual harassment and assault, including rape. Netflix’s supremely sensual romantic comedy series ‘Sex Education’ is receiving world-wide acclaim, as it should, with its lovable characters, relatably cringeworthy sexual encounters and unexpected plot arcs.  But the series manages to do a whole lot more than just entertain viewers...
  • Getting Sober from Social Media

    Lauren reflects on her personal experiences in coming off social media and the complexities of social media for our mental and physical well-being....
  • All I Want for Christmas is…to be single?

    Being single at Christmas holds certain stigmas and presumptions, and for some can be a daunting prospect. Lauren offers an insight into why not being in a relationship during the festive period wasn’t such a bad thing.  Perhaps it’s my penchant for solo activities like knitting and reading books,...
  • On the 12th Day of Christmas.. I am still a poor student in debt.

    Having a student budget but lots of loved ones you want to spoil can be daunting. Have a read of Katherine’s take on buying gifts as a student.  As you get older, Christmas becomes less about circling the Argos catalogue and the gifts you’re going to get, and more...
  • Becoming Your Uni You

    When I moved to University just over a year ago, I remember thinking how amazing I was going to make my life. Eating well, going to the gym, being overtly confident and extremely unlike my admittedly introverted self to ensure I make lots of friends; the desire for change...
  • Sex Education Failed Me and Every Girl in my Class

    en we were in secondary school, an all girl school, I remember distinctly being sat in a classroom for our PSHE lessons, and one day we were on the topic of sex education. We had 4 lessons on Sex Education, during our year 9 class. Not many at all...