When ‘Gotham’ was first announced there were myriad questions raised, chief among them: is it possible to have a Batman series without Batman? The premise certainly sounded promising, allowing the audience to delve deeper into the infrastructure of Gotham (proverbially ‘looking under the hood’ of one of the most...
Take a second to imagine if CSI mated with Smallville, and then sprinkle on some nurtured Arrow goodness; that child would be The Flash. This is the CW’s latest superhero instalment following two successful seasons of Arrow, also based on a DC character. The Flash’s protagonist is Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), a crime...
Now that Freshers’ Week is over, you may feel the need to venture off campus and explore what else Nottingham has to offer. If you’re looking for a peaceful break away from uni but don’t fancy going too far, then Wollaton Park is the perfect place to visit. Undiscovered by many...