• An image of tourists in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany

    The Countryside Versus City Breaks

    Lucy Tombs Most people fall into one of two categories, those who love the hustle and bustle of a city break and those who enjoy relaxing in a quiet, picturesque countryside scene. Despite the fact that people are often set in their ways, there are real benefits to trying...
  • UoN’s Digital Transformations Hub

    Miranda Harrington Melania Burlacu interviews members of the Digital Transformations Hub to outline their work. Matt Davies is the manager of the Digital Transformations Hub (DTH), who organises and supervises the volunteers and their digital projects. Can you tell Impact readers a little about the Digital Transformations Hub? MD:...
  • Photo of a picnic on a picnic blanket

    The Best Places To Picnic In Notts

    Rebecca Herman As of the 29th of March, six people or two households can meet up for a picnic – yay! This new lease of freedom means that we can all finally catch up with our friends and family with some well-deserved treats. The new rule also allows groups...
  • Tributes Paid To Sarah Everard At Portland Steps

    Freya Peake ‘We deserve to feel safe’, ‘shame on you’, ‘end violence against women’ and dozens more plaques have been placed at the Sarah Everard memorial at the top of Portland Steps in the weeks following the murder of Sarah Everard. Organised by UoN’s Feminist Society, the memorial has...
  • Crowds Gather For ‘Kill The Bill’ Protest

    Hundreds gathered on Forest Recreational Ground yesterday evening to express their concerns with the Policing Bill that is currently being proposed in Parliament, and criticise male violence against women. After several weeks of heavy-handed policing at protests across the country, there was some concerns as to whether the demonstration...
  • An Interview with the Creative Pathways Internship

    Maddie Craig Maddie chatted with Holly and Emily to find out about their experiences with the Creative Pathways Internship. To find out more about the internship and how to apply, click here. *** What was your role within the programme?   Holly: I worked in the Participation Department at...
  • SU Elections 2021 Winners: Community Officer – Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali has been elected as your new Community Officer for 2021/22. Muhammad was declared the winner after two rounds of voting with 531 votes. Impact's News Editor Lauren McGaun caught up with Muhammad to ask him a few questions....