Faye Price gives essential information and advice about staying healthy during freshers week. For years, Freshers Week has been one of the most highly anticipated events on the University calendar. It can be easy to get swallowed up in the excitement and uncertainty that come with starting out as...
Dounia Crivelli discusses UoN’s Karnival, one of the largest student-run charity organisations in the country. Karnival is the University of Nottingham’s student-run charity organization, one of the largest in the country, and we raise incredible amounts of money every year for amazing causes. We host many fundraising experiences and...
Sam, president of CivSoc – the society for Civil Engineers at the University of Nottingham – explains who they are for the aspiring civil engineers among you. CivSoc is here to help relieve the {force divided by area} of an engineering degree. From freshers to final years, the aim...
Vice President Emily Casey explains what being a member of the English Society, is like and why you should join. Congratulations freshers – welcome to Nottingham! But, more importantly, welcome to English Society! Why should you join? As a fresher, there are 3 main avenues to making friends: course,...
Rory Jones, features writer and soon to be graduate, offers his insight into the opportunities that university offers, regardless of how you got here. Students, With my time at the University of Nottingham drawing to a close, I thought I would take this opportunity to address you – as...
Following concern from students, the SU and its Elected Officers released a statement this morning clarifying the situation regarding the affiliation of Nottingham Students for Life, as well as the position of the elected officers with regard to the society’s views. The statement provides an update on the affiliation of...
I’ve yet to meet anyone who doesn’t look forward to summer, particularly during the assessment period. When we’re tearing our hair out over referencing, revision and that word count which (despite our best efforts) is still too high, summer appears to be the only light at the end of...