• Rehabilitation Vs. Retribution: Justice For PC Andrew Harper

    PC Andrew Harper was killed on August 15, 2019 near Berkshire while at the site of a reported burglary. Three teenage boys, ?Henry Long, Jessie Cole and Albert Bowers (all 18-19 year olds) were charged with manslaughter in July 2020. In light of allegations of PC Harper having been...
  • Champions League 2020; It’s Just Not The Same?

    Ben Ofungwu considers what the changes to the format of the 2020 Champions League mean for the integrity of the competition, and whether they really matter at all ...
  • TikTok On The Clock or TikTok To Be Stopped?

    Rising boredom during lockdown contributed to a surge in time spent on the video-sharing app TikTok. However, with the app potentially compromising consumer privacy and promoting problematic behaviours, is it time for TikTok to be...
  • A Dog Is For Life Not Just For Lockdown

    As the current COVID-19 measures have meant we are spending more time in our homes and are choosing to go out in open spaces, many people have considered adopting a cute canine companion. Sounds ideal, right?...
  • The Judas Vote

    As a country it is irrefutable that we are facing a dreadful pandemic that has killed tens of thousands of people with the number only set to rise....
  • The Banksy Phenomenon: What’s The Fascination?

    The graffiti artist ‘Banksy’ has become a household name, yet no one knows who he is. With his most recent artwork on a London tube being wiped away to the great dismay of many, how has his spontaneous graffiti become so famous and treasured in the eyes of the...
  • Partners In Time

    I’m sitting at my desk, one hand cradling my favourite mug – a 17-year-old ceramic vessel with an orange-eyed frog popping out above the Rainforest Café logo, as I try to write this. I sip away at the steaming hot liquid and as it makes its way down my...