• Statues Commemorating Slave Traders Should Be Removed But Not Disposed Of

    Statues and monuments of historical figures are commonplace in almost every city in the world. They are usually constructed to commemorate momentous events or important figures in history. However, they have also been the centre of much heated debates surrounding their significance. Tension over statues has arisen within the...
  • What Has Caused The Crisis In Yemen?

    In recent days, social media have been highlighting the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Arab world. Alongside battling COVID-19, Yemen is suffering from an ongoing, violent conflict and the largest cholera outbreak ever recorded. This has been a part of daily life...
  • Stop Caring More About Property Damage Than the Lives Of Black People – Pride Began With Rioting Too

    In celebration of pride month, I’m going to take you back to the 1960s, where homosexual relations were illegal and the riots that initiated Pride began. Picture this; it’s the year 1969 in New York City, you’ve recently discovered your sexuality, and wish to express it freely. However, its...
  • When Identity Is A Death Sentence

    After the incriminating death of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter protesters across the world have been continuing their calls to end racial inequality. Police brutality and white-sponsored violence are the areas gaining the most attention from the movement. But there’s a minority within the black community who are not...
  • Social Media and the Black Lives Matter Campaign

    The Black Lives Matter movement has recently been catapulted back into the spotlight after the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman, Derek Chauvin, alongside his accomplices (Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J Alexander Kueng)....
  • Why Getting Fit and Healthy In Quarantine Isn’t As Easy As It Seems

    As another week of lockdown rolls by and the days merge together, that task of getting fit that you set yourself in week 1 has dropped off into the abyss. But, why? Without the distractions of normal life filling up your already hectic schedules, surely you must have time...
  • On a Journey to Zero Waste: Impact Interviews Koti

    Kallista Jayasuriya interviews Koti, a family-run eco-friendly business based in Nottingham that launched in February 2020, aiming to help people “kickstart their zero waste journey”....