Trumbo tells the tale of Dalton Trumbo: acclaimed screenwriter of The Brave One, Spartacus and Roman Holiday, who was blacklisted and imprisoned in the United States in 1947 for his affiliation with the Communist Party at the height of the Red Scare in America. As with Spike Lee’s Malcolm...
The Goosebumps book and TV series, for many, were an introduction to horror that none forgot in a hurry. Responsible for many sleepless nights, the quirky, but spooky, tales never failed to both terrify and amuse at the same time. The new film captures this perfectly, with strong leads...
Youth is Paolo Sorrentino’s second English release, a highly-anticipated film given that his last, The Great Beauty (La Grande Belleza, released in 2013), scooped up a BAFTA, a Golden Globe and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. A visually beautiful meditation on life, ennui and death was to...
The topless 72-year-old acting legend that is Robert De Niro weightlifting the also topless High School Musical legend Zac Efron is one way of attracting audiences, as is having a young man disturbingly watch his granddad sensually put on stockings. Channelling its inner Graduate, Dirty Grandpa attracted me precisely because of the...
Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams head an all-star cast in Tom McCarthy’s fact-based drama. The plot follows a group of tenacious reporters, for the Boston Globe newspaper, as they investigate the cover-up of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the area. What starts as a simple (albeit...
Only a year after the enormous success of Birdman, Alejandro G. Iñárritu returns to direct The Revenant, a tale of survival and revenge in the freezing winters of 1820s America. Inspired by true events, The Revenant sees Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), a hunter and fur trapper, survive a bear...
In my preview for this film I wrote that it could be another of Tarantino’s best works, however, by time of writing this review – I might need to revise that opinion. Without any spoilers, The Hateful Eight might actually be Tarantino’s best film ever, which truly entrenches him as one...