With four actors playing one single character, Claire Dowie’s Why Is John Lennon Wearing A Skirt? is a personal drama unlike any other. Taking the form of a single dramatic monologue, Dowie’s play explores the life of a girl struggling to grow up under societal pressure to conform to...
During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Saturday 24th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your LGBT+ Officer for the 2018-19 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. James Pheasey James Pheasey is a third-year Philosophy student...
NNT have kicked off their in house season this semester with Swallow, a three-character play exploring some of the deep-rooted issues of contemporary life. Written by Stef Smith, this script is honest, thought-provoking and powerful. Director Ted Marriott and producer Rosa Morgan have done a brilliant job of bringing...
On 7th February 2018, Broadway Cinema will be showing the documentary “No Easy Walk to Freedom”, directed by Nancy Nicol. The film screening is set to bring forth awareness regarding the trials and tribulations faced while resisting Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises all sexual activities...
Only two days after the Conservative’s Annual Party conference, the new Blade Runner film (set in a dystopia populated by human-like robots) was released. Shockingly appropriate, it seems, as our country’s most prominent robot attempted to punch the right keys with the general public in a well written, empty...
Following the massive media excitement about the first “exclusively gay” moment in a Disney movie – LeFou in the new live-action Beauty and the Beast – which turned out to be based on a blink-and-you-miss-it non-event, I got thinking about what actually qualifies as LGBTQ+ representation in artistic media....
Recently, the Students’ Union Council held a vote for the creation of gender neutral toilets on campus, but the notion failed to achieve a sufficient majority, marginalising students who do not identify as either male or female. A referendum is now going out to all UoN students, and votes...