On 7th February 2018, Broadway Cinema will be showing the documentary “No Easy Walk to Freedom”, directed by Nancy Nicol. The film screening is set to bring forth awareness regarding the trials and tribulations faced while resisting Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises all sexual activities “against the order of nature”, including same-sex sexual behaviour in India.
Additionally, the event is to raise money for a campaign spearheaded towards repealing the same. For some background, Section 377 was introduced during the British rule in India in 1861 and remained a part of the Indian Penal Code after the Indian independence in 1947.
The movement to repeal this section started back in 1991, and the country has since seen numerous efforts being made towards achieving that goal, while continually facing relentless opposition on every step of the way.

Screengrab of Director Nicol’s documentary ‘No Easy Walk to Freedom’
“They ruled that personal sexual orientation comes under this right, thereby acknowledging that LGBTQ+ rights are real and constitutional.”
As recently as 24 August 2017, the Supreme Court of India ruled the Right to Privacy to be a fundamental human right possessed by all individuals who fall under its jurisdiction, without any discrimination. They ruled that personal sexual orientation comes under this right, thereby acknowledging that LGBTQ+ rights are real and constitutional, a great step forward and away from what the situation had been in the past.
The tumultuous struggle of the activists to repeal Section 377 is the topic captured in this documentary. Proceeds from the screening of the film shall be donated to the Kaleidoscope Trust, a charity working to uphold LGBTQ+ rights around the world. The organisation is currently aiding a campaign working towards decriminalising homosexuality in the Commonwealth of Nations.
The screening of the film shall be followed by a discussion panel comprising of Paul J Dillane, Executive Director of the Kaleidoscope Trust, a member of the Commonwealth Equality Network and a long-time advocate of LGBTQ+ rights, and Ibtisam Ahmed, Commonwealth Decriminalisation Campaign Coordinator, and of Nottinghamshire Pride.
The success of the campaign depends largely upon the proceeds collected through this event. Tickets for the show are available here.
Anusmita Ray
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