• Deliria @ NNT

    Daniel Morris’ Deliria is a heart wrenching tale of familial bonds, shrouded in the complexities of illness and survival amidst the dark urban future setting. “I entered rather apprehensive with only the knowledge of the vague plot brief” One always enters an unknown play with caution. The poster (by...
  • Aquaria @ Glee Club

    Being a massive fan of drag myself – (my friends would admit that I rarely shut up about it) – I was very excited to review RuPaul’s Drag Race’s reigning queen, Aquaria, in her one-woman show at the Notts Glee Club. When the well-awaited night came, I made sure...
  • A Tribute to Dr Stewart Adams

    Dr Stewart Adams, the pioneering pharmacologist credited for the discovery and development of ibuprofen used by millions worldwide, has died aged 95. As a University of Nottingham alumnus, Dr Stewart’s work is tantamount to how work done locally can see a far-reaching impact. Despite the global success of his...
  • Modern Slavery: Making a Noise for the Voiceless

    It’s likely that at some point in your life you will come into contact with an enslaved person without even realising it. A victim of modern slavery could be washing your car, painting your nails or making your new pair of trainers. It’s a crime that often remains hidden because it...
  • Revealed: The Truth About Studying Abroad

    Study abroad. It’s a term thrown around a lot at university and, for the first two years of uni life, it’s a mystical and ambitious goal for many students. However, those determined enough to qualify for their year abroad will most likely tell you it was one of the...
  • Ed’s Easy Eats: Breakfast Hash

    Every student loves breakfast, especially a fry-up. Why not put it all in one pan and add some cheese?! Whilst the name ‘breakfast hash’ may imply that it must be the first meal of the day, this dish can be enjoyed perfectly at any point during the day, especially...
  • Preview – Hal Cruttenden ‘Chubster’

    With review headlines such “believe me, this is as good as it gets” to describe this upcoming performance, there is no doubt that Hal Cruttenden’s career as a stand-up comic has soared over the years. Coming to Nottingham’s The Glee Club on 13th March 2019, this is bound to...