Jacob Collier has been elected as your new Students’ Union Community Officer for 2018/19. Jacob was declared the Community Officer for the 2018/19 academic year after winning the 4th round of voting, with 3566 votes. Jacob is ‘elated and confused’ after ‘a very close vote,’ and paid tribute to...
Malak Mayet has been elected as your new Students’ Union Black and Minority Ethnic Officer for 2018/19. Malak was declared the Black and Minority Ethnic Officer for the 2018/19 academic year after winning the 3rd round of voting, with 297 votes. Malak is currently on their year abroad and...
Recently, the Students’ Union Council held a vote for the creation of gender neutral toilets on campus, but the notion failed to achieve a sufficient majority, marginalising students who do not identify as either male or female. A referendum is now going out to all UoN students, and votes...