• Home Schooling, Redundancy and the North: How has COVID-19 Widened the Academic Attainment Gap?

    With the Education Policy Institute already suggesting that it could take over 500 years to close the academic achievement gap within the UK, the COVID-19 outbreak may have catastrophic effects for disadvantaged groups....
  • For the Love of (Safe, Legal) Beach Days, Just Stay Home

    Summer is the time of year when the human spirit becomes naturally rejuvenated. Cider-suffused festivals and caravan holidays offer us a respite from everyday responsibilities. But the longer we keep breaking social distancing rules during our current pandemic, the further such a season’s richness is going to flee from...
  • Why Universities Need to Answer and Repay Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    With Cambridge University announcing there will be no face-to-face lectures for the entirety of the academic year and many universities following in a similar vain, there is frustration and anger amongst many students that they are being made to pay the same price for an experience which is unlike...
  • Cummings and Goings

    Cummings has certainly shown a disregard for the spirit of the lockdown, but in justifying his actions has he shown a disregard for the British public as well? Last Monday, the nation’s attention moved to the press conference taking place in the 10-downing street garden. The beautiful setting perhaps...
  • Forgotten Feminists- Louisa May Alcott

    Following on from her discussion on Hidden Figures, Isabelle discusses the author behind Little Women. Another incredible feminist you won’t want to miss!  Isabelle Raikes  Featured image courtesy of Phoebe Raine and Impact Podcasts via Canva.  Music courtesy of audionautix.com   Did you know we’re now on iTunes? Check out all your...
  • Trump and the Hydroxychloroquine Heresy

    Trump has recently told reporters that he is taking the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to protect himself against coronavirus. As a drug that is yet to be confirmed safe or effective in treating COVID-19, it is an extremely risky move to take, especially as President of the United States, a...
  • Social Media in Lockdown: Friend or Foe?

    A clear outcome of the current lockdown measures imposed across the world is an increase in activity on social media. Social media has been a huge of our technology-driven society for over a decade now, so the fact that it has perhaps become more embedded into our current lives...