• The Best Christmas Jumpers of 2018

    Christmas season is officially upon us, and even you grinches who insist on the festivities being reigned in until December 1st can’t deny that! This means Christmas jumpers are back in store, and here are some of the best of 2018. Primark is with the times with this design. Millennial...
  • It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas… Stress

    Christmas is upon us, and this year is no exception to the frenzy that usually ensues. The much-awaited Christmas adverts are out; shoppers are sharpening their elbows for Black Friday mayhem; and the painstaking task of fairy light detangling has already begun. I for one am a huge lover...
  • Creative Corner: Reindeer Eat Snowman’s Noses

    ‘Please, call me Kate, not Catherine’ suggested that I start writing this. It might help, she offered with another of her well-meaning smiles. She also suggested that I take Ella and Theo away for a bit. How long’s ‘a bit’? Kate doesn’t deal in absolutes. Her sentences start with...
  • Is Blue Monday really the bluest of them all?

    Apparently, the third Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year. And that’s not just because you’re in the midst of revision and you haven’t finished the essay that’s due tomorrow, or because you haven’t been paid since last year. Nope, this is science. Proper science,...
  • Dealing With A Diagnosis Of The New Years Blues

    Christmas is over. You’ve eaten your entire body weight in Christmas food, and to top it all off, exams are just around the corner…face it, you’ve got the New Year Blues. But don’t worry, I know January seems like the start of a year with empty resolutions and extra...
  • Best ‘Alternative’ Christmas Films

    We all know that one person. The action movie fanatic determined to be contrary who, whilst others sit around enjoying It’s a Wonderful Life and Love Actually, can’t help but pipe up with the oh-so-original claim: “Actually, Die Hard is the best Christmas film”. The clear (by now tiresome)...
  • The top 5 causes of Christmas arguments

    Board games There is more to life than arguing over trivial things such as board games, but when Christmas comes around such logic disappears. Playing Monopoly will naturally end in you finding yourself accusing the banker of stealing the money – and don’t even get me started on when...