• UoN is staying safe by saying no to hate crime

    The University of Nottingham (UoN) has partnered with Nottingham Citizens to raise awareness of hate crime. Nottingham Citizens have released a survey to not only raise awareness of hate crime, but to also get an “accurate snapshot of what hate crime looks like in Nottingham.” Impact reached out to...
  • Street drinkers in Nottingham can now be fined £70

    In an attempt to curb antisocial drinking, Community Protection Officers (CPOs) can now fine you £70 if you are caught drinking on the streets of Nottingham. From now, a Community Protection Officer can: • Require a person not to consume alcohol • Require a person to surrender any alcohol...
  • Students “wrecking marriages” due to house parties in Lenton

    Loud house parties and noisy students are a cause of concern for local Lenton residents, with a number of complaints rising significantly since the start of term. An advantage of having a house and being university students are the house parties. However, this has caused problems for local residents...
  • Impact Food: THiNK- Kiosk Review

    Kiosk is an independent café located in the THiNK building, situated just outside of Lace Market. The building itself is tucked away in the hidden cove of Cobden Chambers, a quirky alleyway speckled with thriving businesses. Once through the passage, I was faced with aesthetic pastel coloured shops and...
  • The Goose Fair Experience

    The Nottingham Goose Fair is the stuff of legends, albeit vague and inconsistent legends, which only occasionally feature actual geese. Sadly, the modern-day fair doesn’t have geese – in fact the only animals I saw were of the stuffed variety. Still, the goose fair is a must-go for people...
  • Second-year UoN students fall victim to “common” Lenton burglaries

    A number of burglaries in Lenton, a popular student area of the city of Nottingham, have been reported by students at the University of Nottingham. Impact have gotten in contact with a second-year student from the University of Nottingham (UoN) whose house was broken into on Johnson Road. The...
  • The 5 Step Homesickness Cure

    One of the biggest worries for students starting university is homesickness. Spending weeks and possibly months away from your family is a daunting prospect for any Fresher, and returning students too! Here are five ways to cure homesickness at university: Make dates to see your family: When you’re feeling...