Cora-Laine Moynihan The popularity of anime has undoubtedly risen in recent years, spanning from its origins in the East to now dominating the Western world. Cora-Laine takes a look back at the rise of this popular genre to discover how it originated and why we love it so much...
Ed Farley The Oscars is known by all as the celebrity and industry circus; long revered for its optics and glamour it never fails to make headlines. It is, after all, Hollywood’s biggest night of the year. Yet, in a turn of events more suited to a soap opera...
Amongst the drama of the 2022 Academy Awards, a film about a young girl living with her Deaf family in a small fishing village in Massachusetts and discovering her own way in life snuck through the ranks of huge contenders led by some of the biggest names in Hollywood...
Adam Feeley Despite being one of the most acclaimed and accomplished filmmakers in Britain, Lynne Ramsay has only made four feature films, with a noticeable gap between the last two. Why? The answer is easy. She is someone who makes films completely on her own terms, the commander of...
This year’s Academy Awards ceremony will be forever remembered, just not for the reasons it should be. Rather than forever remembering Coda’s Best Picture win, celebrating the wins of Jessica Chastain, Ariana Debose or Jane Campion, or even praising Will Smith on his performance in King Richard, Smith ensured...
Love in movies and TV shows pave the way for the idealisation of romantic gestures, making it more and more difficult for people to live up to these standards. Here are a few that made Santhana Kanapathippillai fall in love with the characters and crave excitement and glamour in...
Sam Barnes When we discuss actors in defining roles, often spanning decade-long franchises, there are three factors which are used to judge whether the role ultimately boosted or impeded their career. The star’s growth of wealth, popularity gained from these performances, and the prominence they have in continuing mainstream...