Alyssa Ali Method acting is one of the most renowned acting styles used by actors to fully embody and channel their character. This can involve losing or gaining weight to fit the look, staying in character when the camera cuts, or following a daily routine similar to that of...
Sam Barnes When we discuss actors in defining roles, often spanning decade-long franchises, there are three factors which are used to judge whether the role ultimately boosted or impeded their career. The star’s growth of wealth, popularity gained from these performances, and the prominence they have in continuing mainstream...
Florence Avis In the run-up to the deadline to apply for the 2021 Nottingham Young Creative Awards, Florence Avis interviews Rachel Feneley, the Learning Officer at Lakeside Arts, to learn more about the Theatre category. *** Hi Rachel, thank you for sitting down with me. Firstly, please could you...
With social distancing regulations being in place for almost a year now, the 78th Golden Globe awards were unable to bring viewers the glamour of the red carpet. However, the virtual event didn’t stop Hollywood’s finest stars from looking their best and bringing elegance to the comfort of their...
Performing is an art that is overrated for the wrong reasons. Yes, there is nothing like the thrill of feeling both outrageously excited and nauseous as bright lights come up onto your make-up caked face. But what most people do not realise is the amount of hard work that...