Daria Paterek The early 2010’s film industry was dominated by adaptations of young adult dystopian fiction. Producing classics such as The Hunger Games (2012), The Maze Runner (2014), and Divergent (2014) alongside less popular adaptations such as The Giver (2014), The 5th Wave (2016), and Ready Player One (2018)-...
Jerome Gerada As the world we live in gradually devolves into more of a twisted dystopia by the day, audiences may feel at ease settling into the fictional world of Arrakis, the main setting for Denis Villeneuve’s new film adaptation, Dune. The 1965 novel, from the creative mind of...
Channel 4’s latest sci-fi offering has been the new Electric Dreams, a series of standalone episodes based on the work of famous writer Philip K. Dick. It comes only a couple of years after the release of The Man in the High Castle, another of Philip K. Dick’s works,...
Dystopian doesn’t even begin to describe the terrifyingly dark play that is Mercury Fur. Think Black Mirror, but the scare factor and intensity x10. Joe Strickland and James Collyer have fantastically directed and produced the eerie, post-apocalyptic future, that scarily makes you think could come true. Despite there being no interval for...