• Jo Ralphs: “Is May’s Premiership Closing the Gender Gap?”

    Starting an online search for Theresa May, you can’t help but feel sorry for our new Prime Minister. Though admittedly the search engine I was using was Bing, seeing the words ‘low cut top’ appear next to her name as the first search suggestion was more than a little depressing. In a...
  • Why Are Junior Doctors Striking?

    With junior doctors dominating the news, Impact Features tries to give you the key facts about the current debate between the medics and the government. The reasons for the recent junior doctors’ strikes are many and complex, but they fundamentally stem from Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s plan to make a ‘Seven Day...
  • Verify Before You Vilify

    You have probably seen that student maintenance grants have recently been ‘abolished’ by the government. This is not entirely true. Within hours of a decision made in 90 minutes by 18 MPs, my Timeline and Twitter feed were rife with misleading headlines, shared and retweeted by part time economists...
  • No Giant Leap For Science Education

    The ‘Principia’ Mission is a part of the wider Human Spaceflight Programme of the European Space Agency and the first of its kind to be directly affiliated with the British Government. As to whether or not this renders the mission productive, the answer may seem obvious. After all, according...
  • Inquiry into Violence Against Women at University ordered by Government

    The Government ordered an inquiry into reducing violence against women studying at higher-level institutions. Universities in the UK have been ordered to create a ‘taskforce’ to tackle the issue the unwanted sexual advances women are subjected to and a code of practice on the back of mounting attention on...
  • Is Adult Education in Crisis?

    The Association for Colleges (AoC), which represents 336 institutions of various forms of further education (FE), has alarmingly warned that 190,000 adult education places will be cut next year. This is arguably due to a funding cut of 24%. Put bluntly, the AoC have claimed that ‘Adult education and...
  • Are Private Schools Beneficial or Detrimental to Britain’s Education System?

    On February 10th a debate was held at the University of Nottingham (UoN) by The Debating Union and Teach First to discuss whether or not private schools are beneficial for education in Britain. There were five members of the panel, with Duncan Davis speaking first. Davis studies Physics at the...