James Warrell James delves into the Smash Presents announcement, where director Sakurai uncovered that Sora will be the last fighter added to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Costumes First and foremost, let’s get the least interesting part of this reveal out of the way: the costumes. Although the Judd and...
Three months after the E3 Direct comes one of the best directs in recent memory, full of shock announcements and big reveals. James talks us through the direct and asks: 'Has Nintendo finally learnt how to do announcements?'...
James Warrell After a torrid start to the season, Nottingham Forest have sacked Chris Hughton and replaced him with Steve Cooper. Will this bring the uptick of results Forests fans want or will it end in disaster? Chris Hughton two weeks ago on 16/09/2021 was sacked after a winless start...