• Dot To Dot Festival 2019

    Dot To Dot Festival landed in Nottingham on Sunday 26th May for the last leg of the festival, having been to Manchester and Bristol for the May Bank Holiday. Since I reviewed the festival last year and was blown away, I had high expectations for the day ahead, and...
  • Annie @ Theatre Royal

    This week, Impact was lucky enough to be invited to see the opening night performance of Annie at the Nottingham Theatre Royal. Nearly everyone has seen the film or knows the story of the redheaded orphan’s search to find her true family. Quite simply, this production is the revision...
  • The Girl on the Train @ Theatre Royal

    Samantha Womack is no stranger to the spotlight when it comes to embodying dramatic roles, gracing viewers with her performance on the BBC show EastEnders as the strong headed character Ronnie Mitchell from 2007-2011. She reprised this role again in 2013-2017. This time, the public was able to see...
  • Preview: DNA

    Showing Tuesday 14th May – Saturday 18th May at 7:30pm and Wednesday 15th and Saturday 18th May 2pm, DNA at (the very plush) Lakeside Arts is a great break from the world in a reflection of morality in the face of tragedy that started out as just “banter”. Adam...
  • Educating Rita @ Theatre Royal

    Directed by Max Roberts and written by Willy Russell, Educating Rita tracks the story of a working-class hairdresser, Rita into higher education. Passionate, determined and fun-loving Rita (Jessica Johnson) meets her alcoholic University tutor, Frank (Stephen Tompkinson) at the beginning of the play. Rita, despite her lack of education,...
  • Food Review: Lan Zhou Beef Noodles

    Lan Zhou Beef Noodles’ (Market Street, Nottingham) small shop space and mundane interior belies the nature of its food. You will find none of the extravagance and lush colours that have stereotypically defined one’s idea of a chinese restaurant. But don’t let the drab interior fool you. Once you...
  • The Academic Tinder

    Starting university is an exciting time, but can also be incredibly scary. You’re meeting new people, adapting to a new way of living and having to grasp a whole new way of learning in a very short period of time. You’ve got a million and one questions and no...