• Musicality review: Love, Laughter and Loathing

    From Hamilton to Legally Blonde the Nottingham University Musicality performers put on a spectacle of songs from some of the most well-known musicals on stage. Their most recent sold-out production, titled ‘Love, Laughter and Loathing’, had audiences loving the talent, laughing at the theatrical comedy and loathing themselves for...
  • An Interview with Nottingham’s Sap Plants

    Sap Plants is a brilliant place to get plants of all shapes and sizes, and customized, hand-made pots to make your plants look even more aesthetic. A Nottingham-based independent business, Sap Plants is a great local enterprise, and Impact Lifestyle had the chance to interview Chan, the founder, to...
  • Penny Lane Launch Party

    Nostalgic childhood memories, excellent drinks, and all the fun of the seaside- everything is to be found in Nottingham’s newest bar, Penny Lane. Located on Fletcher Gate in Nottingham’s famous Lace Market, Penny Lane is the newest addition to Nottingham’s independent bar scene. Behind the launch of Penny Lane...
  • McDonald’s Monopoly: Marketing Obesity or Harmless Fun?

    It’s that time of year again where I go to McDonald’s and plan out what food I’m getting to maximise the amount of monopoly stickers that I win. A free student McFlurry takes precedence over a free burger, as you get two extra stickers on the ice cream there’s...
  • The Weirdest Easter Eggs to Try in 2019

    After Cadbury released their mayonnaise-filled Crème Eggs for April Fool’s Day, it garnered the question—what other weird Easter eggs are out there for us to try? Read on to find our top suggestions. The Chocolate Scotch Egg Unsurprisingly, this interesting take on the British favourite is from Waitrose. Even...
  • Our Attraction to Horror Movies

    From being forced to watch both versions of The Woman in Black during my GCSE’s and spending the greater part of them hidden behind my coat, I started to wonder how my peers could take enjoyment from what I thought to be such a tortuous activity. The idea that...
  • Sounds Like a Plan: Productivity in Exam Season

    Spring is in the air and it wouldn’t take David Attenborough to notice a change in the environment at UoN: takeaway coffees are the staple accessory, the hour of the day is becoming irrelevant and you’re venturing into the darkest realms of the library to root out the fifth...