• How to Cut Down on Your Food Waste

    With an attitude of climate change in the air, food waste has become a recent talking point. Some food waste will always be inevitable, but cutting down on being wasteful will not only help save the planet but will also be cheaper in the long run. Here’s my top...
  • Rosa’s Recommendation of the Week: Alchemilla

    Alchemilla describes itself as ‘unique, imaginative, plant-based dining’; they are not a vegan restaurant, but their menu is centred around high quality plant-based food. Alchemilla showcases British fruit and vegetables, with the addition of other non-vegan ingredients to demonstrate the full spectrum of flavours and textures that plant-based food...
  • Hal Cruttendon: Denser or Mensa @ Glee Club

    Entering ‘The Glee Club’ for the first time, I immediately knew that I was in for an enjoyable evening: the softly glowing pink lights creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, making me ready to see the great Hal Cruttendon perform live only 10 feet away from my table. With...
  • Mother’s Day Breakfast Recipes

    Mother’s Day falls this Sunday and while it can be difficult to get your Mum the present she really deserves on the uni student budget, making her a lovely breakfast can really show you care and not break the bank either. So here are a few recipe ideas that...
  • Brexit and its Impact on the Food Industry

    The scary truth is that we are now in Brex-month and the possibility of a no-deal Brexit is still technically on the table. As we move unnervingly fast towards the 29th March, the government is still unsure of what life in Britain will be like from April onwards. If the...
  • When I Watch You I like to Leave The Sound Off @ NNT

    This is a show that very much knows what it wants to be and is deeply invested in conveying this to the audience. Even before you enter the theatre you get a sense of the journey you about to take. This show is a story about privacy, obsession and...
  • Sustainability Week 2019

    As we reach the middle of Sustainability Week it’s important to remember what it stands for. Sustainabilitity Week aims to raise awareness about environmental and social issues on a range of topics. To empower students and staff to make small changes in their life that have a big impact...