• Suicide Awareness Week

    As you all made your way around campus, I’m sure you were bought to a halt when you saw the display of 95 pairs of shoes at the bottom of the steps of Djanogly Terrace, which will be up all week. Myself, along with many other students, paused for...
  • Rosa’s Recommendation of the Week- Petit Paris

    Fancy eating out in a restaurant that serves tasty French food and is incredibly reasonable? Why not try Petit Paris? I first discovered Petit Paris when I was looking for a restaurant to visit for a date night with my partner, and it was so brilliant that I have...
  • Lo’Jo @ Lakeside

    The Nottingham Lakeside Arts Centre welcomed the French group Lo’Jo to play their eclectic set to a full theatre, with 90 minutes of soul-warming rhythms that proved to be both an auditory and visual treat. “The mood was infectious, and the atmosphere electric” The group of 6 members, each...
  • Nottingham Students Strike for Climate

    Students from schools across Nottingham went on strike this Friday, joining millions of others around the world for the international School Strike for Climate. The movement, started by sixteen-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, has led to Thunberg being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and has inspired countless young...
  • Glassy Ceiling, Concrete Flaw @ NNT

    Glassy Ceiling, Concrete Flaw is a play written by Rachel Elphick which follows the story of two long time friends who turn from colleagues to enemies against the pressures of the working world. The play challenges and personifies the term “the good guy always come last” taking the audience on...
  • How to Reduce Your Meat and Dairy Consumption

    Veganuary, veganism – it’s everywhere! Whilst milk, after all, is meant for calves and animals are being mistreated, it is easier said than done to go vegan after seeing one, most likely, sponsored Youtuber talk about it for fifteen minutes. However, you don’t have to go vegan to help...
  • Interview – Steampunk Photographer Gary Nicholls

    “The first thing I always say is that creativity is not for the select few, it is for those brave enough to give it a go. The worst that can happen is you learn something.” One of the UK’s most respected Steampunk Photographers, Gary Nicholls is soon to release...