• Petition Launched To Make Derby Road Safer

    The petition, which was started by UoN student Elliott Silver, is directed at Nottingham City Council and demands changes to the safety measures on Derby Road. Given that Derby Road cuts through Lenton and is busy both in terms of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, particularly at rush hour, it...
  • Universities committing to a more sustainable future

    The SDG is the blueprint in achieving a better and more sustainable future. The initiative addresses global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. “The initiative addresses global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.” Universities from...
  • Staff at multiple UK Universities face possible job cuts

    Unstable political shifts in the UK paired with budgetary strain have led some institutions like Cardiff University to warn their staff of the potential for redundancies in early 2019. Up and down the UK, higher education providers are reporting their finances for the 2017-18 year and ‘several’ have found...
  • Meet the Team and Their Festive Favourites – Features

    With there being so many festive food options on offer, the Features Team talk us through their festive favourites. Name: Natasha Fernandes Position: Head of Features Festive Favourite: Mince Pies For me, mince pies are a timeless classic. They are a staple for Christmas and I think, quite controversially, for...
  • Review: Foodprint

    Celebrating its one year anniversary on the 2nd December, I found myself spending my Sunday night visiting Foodprint, a social enterprise run by Enactus at the University of Nottingham with the aim to fight food waste by selling edible products for cheaper prices to students and members of the...
  • Rosa’s Recommendation of the week: Sexy Mamma Love Cicchetti

    Sexy Mamma Love Cichetti (not spaghetti, its sister restaurant just around the corner) is on Carlton St, as you head into the indie area that is Hockley. The staff were super friendly upon our arrival, kindly giving us the candle-lit street-view seat. We were there on a Friday night and...
  • Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender, Resistance.

    Last week I visited the Contemporary’s newest exhibition, Still I Rise. Displayed across four galleries, Still I Rise has over 100 exhibits, including new commissions as well as previous work not often exhibited here in the UK. Each gallery offers a different thematic perspective and are all open for...