• Harry Potter and the Cursed Child @ Palace Theatre, London

    Last summer, I was one of the lucky few to get tickets to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Whilst I must admit there were a couple of issues with it, I still completely loved it! However, since the book version came out, I’ve been seeing a lot...
  • Touched @ Nottingham Playhouse

    Touched by Stephen Lowe premiered at the Nottingham Playhouse in 1977, and returned this February forty years later. Considering this time lapse it was interesting to see that the play still resonated hugely with the audience. The fact that it was set at the end of World War Two in...
  • An Open Letter to Maroon 5: ‘Cold’ Review, and the Inevitability of Changing Artistry

    Oh, Maroon 5 – it doesn’t usually matter when a band or artist changes – you’ve proved that plenty of times yourselves since your days as Kara’s Flowers – but it does when you move into the blandest, most derivative direction possible, so much so that this ‘change’ is...
  • Is ‘Nine Lives’ running out of chances?

    In the world of entertainment, you sometimes have good films, bad films and sometimes even ugly films. However, occasionally you have a film which can transcend these three categories; a film which makes you so physically repulsed at the screen, one you can’t think about without getting angry and...
  • Musicality’s Fame! The Musical @ Nottingham Arts Theatre

    Fame! is a musical that has the perfect mix of acting, singing and dancing. It’s infectious 80’s-themed music made me want to get up on stage and join in with the cast, so grab your neon clothing and leg-warmers before watching this production! The story follows a group of performing...
  • Sister Act @ Theatre Royal

    Having seen the film version recently, I sat down with both excitement and trepidation at the musical adaptation of the Whoopi Goldberg classic. With all the glitz and glam of the ’80s showcased through a great soundtrack, costume and lighting, Sister Act and its talented cast most definitely got...
  • Book Of The Month: January

    ‘They say: Are you a termite? Cos you’re about to get a mouthful of wood. You say: Are you a wild pig? Cos you boar me to tears.’ TITLE: Girl up AUTHOR: Laura Bates GENRE: Feminist manifesto meets self-help PUBLISHER: Simon and Schuster PUBLISHED: 2016 PAGES: 314 WARNING: FEMINISM....