• Impact Climate Monthly: Temperatures Rise

    As part of a monthly online feature, Impact investigates the latest news, projects and discoveries in the battle against climate change A month on from the optimism of CoP 21 sees reality crashing down. What has become clear in the ever more curious race for the white house, is that...
  • A Leap into the Unknown

    Monday  29th February 2016 is a day that shouldn’t really exist! Of course, the Universe doesn’t follow our calendar, so the reason behind its existence is not a physical one. Instead, it is an artefact of the irregular way in which we, as a society, measure the passage of time....
  • The Discovery of Gravitational Waves

    Friday the 11th of February marked the dawn of a new era in observational astrophysics as the collision of two black holes, about a billion light years away, created a violent storm in the fabric of space-time that was visually spectacular. The resulting gravitational waves were detected by the...
  • What’s all the fizz about?

    Sophie Millar reports on current beverage intake trends in teenagers, and the differences in consumption between a disadvantaged school and a private, fee-paying school. Sugar-sweetened beverages and ‘sugar tax’ proposals are the hot topic of the moment, but when was the last time actual intake in teenagers was assessed in...
  • Impact Climate Monthly: Beyond COP 21

    As part of a monthly online feature, Impact investigates the latest news, projects and discoveries in the battle against climate change. A variety of crises in the run up to the Paris climate conference in December 2015 threatened to overshadow one of the most anticipated climate summits in living memory....