Aleyna Adamson explains why the climate movement and certain solutions to reduce waste and carbon emissions are intrinsically ableist. She calls for us to be more open in learning about the issue and to make the climate movement more accessible to every group of people....
A Nottinghamshire police investigation into spiking has led to the arrest of a 20-year-old man after women have reported being spiked by injection in Nottingham nightclubs. ...
Bobby Scialla Welcome to our brand new podcast segment, The Sports Show! Join Bobby Scialla as he discusses the highs and lows of the boxing world, focusing on Fury and Wilder’s fighting history. Keep your ears peeled for plenty more Blockbuster Boxing to come! Bobby Scialla Featured image courtesy...
Ed Farley It was a walk through the freshers fair that pushed feelings to the forefront. The barrage of sporting societies lined up, one after the other – each promising care, fun, and above all, teamwork, friendship and comradery. Ed Farley recounts his experience. Now, all these promises I...
Cancel culture is the internet’s version of shunning someone from society, whether that be on social media or even in person. So what allows for some celebrities to continue to work with other artists or brands whilst others are forced into unemployment? Santhana Kanapathippillai delves into this topic, focusing...
Following yet another reshuffle of the Cabinet, Hannah explores the ineffectiveness of the ministerial code and questions Johnson's tactics regarding the handling of his loyal ministers who have created a narrative of serial rule-breaking with little repercussions....
You may be unaware, but Impact is not the only magazine society that UoN has. There is also The Mic, which focuses solely on music. Yes, Impact does already have a music section, but if you just can’t get enough of writing about music and want even more opportunities...