• Arts Features: Gaming Studies – UoN’s Newest Subject (We Wish!)

    When the idea was put to me to write an article about the idea of Gaming Studies – or studying video or computer games as a subject, I was a little dubious. What are the values of games? Surely they’re what people play in their bedrooms, furtively attempting to...
  • Alternative Valentine’s Day Poetry

    Buying a Valentine’s Day card for your crush, your ‘just-a-fling’ or your partner and unsure what to write in it, fearing that anything you do will just fall into cliché? Not really feeling quoting Shakespeare, Shelley or Duffy, and struggling with your own words? Impact is here to help...
  • Candid Confessions – Part Two: Working In A Gallery

    Impact Arts asks students who have worked in the arts industry about some of their funniest moments. This week Isla McLachlan and Ingrid Jauffret share their gallery giggles. What is your funniest story or most memorable moment? ”To encourage their creativity, I did a physical impression of the route...
  • Secret Life Of An Arts Student: Internships

    Second year seems to be that point where everyone thinks ‘oh shit, I need to look into getting a job’, and so begins the chaos of trying to get experience for jobs. If you’re not lucky enough to snag a volunteering position in the sector you want to work in,...
  • Mischief managed – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on stage

    Having purchased tickets over a year before going to see the production, I had been counting down the days (months) till the performance. What I hadn’t expected was to queue right the way around the theatre building, behind people who also had purchased tickets a year in advance. Then...
  • New year, new you, new room!

    It’s a new semester, you’ve moved back into your room and fancy a change. Your endless Instagram scrolling sessions and multiple Pinterest boards have made you believe you’re the next best interior designer so it’s very easy to get carried away and let the bills rack up when decorating...
  • New Year, New Shelfie, New You: Part Two

    With the New Year upon us, Impact Arts decided to give you some inspiration of how to pimp up your bookshelf to make it as fly as you are, adding some life lessons into the mix. A lover of the natural world and nature, this shelfie belongs to a forest...