• Drinking/texting and driving: the passenger’s side

    Have you ever been in a situation where your friend or family member has picked you up – possibly over the limit, or using their phone whilst driving? How does it make you feel? Do you speak up or keep quiet? Arguably, there are many reasons why you would...
  • Annie Peppiatt: “Calorie Counting is Not the Answer”

    I have just eaten a white chocolate chip cookie. This may not be the healthiest choice, but it is a choice I am proud to have made. I have resisted the temptation to check the list of numbers on the back of the packet. I have resisted the urge...
  • Why tuition fees are basically irrelevant

    I recently overheard two teenage girls on the bus talking about the prospect of going to university. They were considering it, but one of them, in particular, was massively put off by the ‘huge amount of debt’ it will put you in. “Even if you go to Australia to...
  • Stop focusing on tuition fees, start focusing on the real university issues

    On the one hand, Theresa May should be congratulated. Admitting that tripling the tuition fee cap to £9,000 in 2012 was a mistake is admirable. Expecting an increase in fees to create competition, rather than all universities just charging as much as possible without any change in where best...
  • Impact Investigates: Do students agree with animal testing?

    Animal testing is a topic often up for debate in the UK, due to the controversial ethics that surround the area. The subject of animal testing can be split into two different areas: the use for cosmetic/household products, and for clinical drug trials and medical advancements. In the UK,...
  • The strike debate – which side are you on?

    First up, let’s get back to basics: Who is deciding to strike? After several months of negotiations and a failure to agree on a solution, the University and College Union (UCU), the trade union for lecturers and other staff at universities, have called for the strike. 88% of UCU...
  • Palestinian Paradise: Too good to be true?

    Rawabi, dubbed the ‘City of Dreams’, is one Palestinian’s answer to Paradise. That Palestinian is Bashar Masri, American-Palestinian multi-millionaire who has invested millions into this developing project. I went to meet Mr Masri and see Rawabi for myself. Built by Palestinians and for Palestinians, the impressive structural project has...