A captivating and humorous, Once Upon a Crime was the perfect blend between murder mystery and comedy. The deeply detailed set, creative use of lighting, and witty dialogue engendered an immersive and playful production, unafraid to dabble in the meta for help in solving the crime or cracking a...
Sophie Bryer Content Warning: reference to domestic abuse Over a month ago I had the pleasure of interviewing JUNO Women’s Aid, a Nottingham City and South Nottinghamshire based charity that offers “support services for survivors of domestic abuse”. A huge thank you goes to JUNO Women’s Aid for this opportunity...
Hannah Walton-Hughes Cosy mysteries are preferred, by many, to grisly crime books. Novels by the likes of Agatha Christie, Janice Hallett and Richard Osman remain incredibly popular to wide numbers of people. Impact’s Hannah Walton-Hughes explores why this is, and looks at what is so appealing about these cosy mysteries....
Jessica Couchman According to official statistics and new data from the Office for National Statistics, it was revealed that Nottinghamshire was named the 18th most dangerous place to live in the UK. Whilst local residents have made it apparent that this figure came as a surprise, it appears that...
On 11th February 2023, Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old transgender girl was found dead by passersby in a park near Warrington, Cheshire. Two teenagers have been charged, and are set to go on trial in association with her death later this year. Joseph Clayton discusses the aftermath of the tragedy...
Have you heard about the latest Netflix show? Yeah, Dahmer. What’s it about? Oh, it’s a story about a serial killer who committed the most heinous and unspeakable crimes against seventeen men and boys. Holly Philpott asks, how could Netflix come up with something so evil? ...
Izzy Rodney Art can be such an amazing thing. Whether that be in television, film, books, or paintings, they are masterpieces that have the ability to transform lives. With art having millions of interpretations, art can be considered as something that is very personal and subjective to each person....