• The 21st Century’s 10 Greatest Films: 25th Hour

    Here is the 4th installment in Sean’s rundown of the 21st Century’s Greatest Films. This time around, 25th Hour. As Barry Pepper points out “it will never be the same again…”, we are forced to stare at a post 9/11 New York. Spike Lee’s camera does not flinch, he...
  • Let’s Articulate #20 – Is this representation?

    Following the massive media excitement about the first “exclusively gay” moment in a Disney movie – LeFou in the new live-action Beauty and the Beast – which turned out to be based on a blink-and-you-miss-it non-event, I got thinking about what actually qualifies as LGBTQ+ representation in artistic media....
  • Too ‘Taboo’ for you?

    The latest gritty offering from the BBC and FX has been a great success, and a star-studded cast has ensured that Taboo has earnt its place among the best shows 2017 has seen so far. Tom Hardy plays the suitably brooding James Keziah Delaney, who returns to 1800s London...
  • How Damaging was ‘Spectre’ towards the 007 Franchise?

    Fresh from the critical and box office success of Skyfall, the acclaimed partnership of Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig teamed up again to produce the 24th Bond of the series: Spectre. An acronym for ‘Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion’ or as I like to call it ‘Spectacularly...
  • Are Christmas Films Overrated?

    Ah, Christmas movies. You come and you invade our channels for a month a year. Us students gather round, begrudgingly watching them with that one flatmate who actually cares. Parents despair as their children, finding excuses in the winter common cold to bunk more and more time off school,...
  • Creepy or Cool? First Impressions of ‘Humans’

    Humans is an amazing and in-depth portrayal of what our world would look like if it was filled with robots that could do everything for us, and more importantly with AIs that think and feel like we do. Season Two starts off with a bang, and promises to be...
  • Is the BBC’s new show ‘Class’ classy enough for us?

    On Saturday, the first two episodes of the BBC’s new Doctor Who spin-off series Class were finally released on BBC Three online. After watching these first two glimpses into the world of the Whoniverse’s Coal Hill School, here’s our impression of the series so far. To fans of Doctor...