The new Amazon Prime anthology series thrills with retellings of the historical events that birthed the world’s most enduring legends. Lore, a new entry into Amazon’s ever-expanding repertoire of TV shows and films, debuted its entire first season on Friday 13th, aptly timed for Halloween. Each of the 6...
In 1970, what would soon be known as the dark phenomenon of the era, hard rock band Black Sabbath crept into the world of music with the release of their self-titled debut album. Sabbath took an interpretation of the psychedelic blues-rock of the time (cultivated by Led Zeppelin) and...
With an attempt to franchise The Dark Tower, Pennywise the clown terrorising audiences in what is set to be film of the year, and Netflix’s attempt to redo cult classic The Mist, it’s been raining Steven King adaptations this year. Seemingly overshadowed its siblings, however, September brought us the...
With Halloween just around the corner, it’s that time of the year for films. Everyone seems to be into the horror movies, and admittedly, some of them are really good, even if they scare you out of your brains. Being a person who needs to overanalyze horror movies in...
This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween! Natasha Manohar Featured image courtesy of ‘aotaro’ via Flickr. Image use license here. Follow @ImpactMagazine on Twitter or like the Impact Entertainment Facebook page for more articles and information on how to get involved....
Horror gets a little more visceral as we move into the second half of our journey. The relaxation of film censorship and changes in social attitudes in the 1970s meant that producers could churn out the kind of bloodthirsty cinema that would have been unthinkable a decade before. X-rated...
Halloween season has fallen upon us once again, and everyone is buzzing with a darkened excitement. Halloween parties are naturally going to be in abundance, some more hard-core than others, but if you would prefer to celebrate the spooky season through the world of Board Games, read on to...